"World in blue 01" 2022 made for the series "Filled Emptiness unique worlds"
Walk in an opal garden. 11.4.2022
It is Sunday and the walk may turn out a little weirder. A cloud glides across the landscape, obscuring light and colour. Brightness pays off. We climb the rough steps in the dyke and then suddenly see an infinity stretching as far as the eye can see . It looks very unusual such a space without obstacles , infinite blue, light blue with cut-off clouds in the sky , the typical horizontal line of wind clouds by the sea. The thinness is a blue dream whose shades you only see when the sun pierces it. We walk along the water to the left. A strip full of white oyster shells. forms a contrasting bed and I remember when the water recedes at lightning speed on rising tide the shells come alive and click like a strange orchestra . I could sit there until the water was at my feet listening to the delicate tapping sound.
Occasionally I hear a water bird emitting a high-pitched cry . He lights up black and white so you immediately recognize him . He nervously tiptoes across the mudflats, looking for a living. A foursome alternately make a screeching sound that sounds familiar and lets you know you are approaching the water with changing tides . Again and again, I turn my ear to this screech. It evokes the soothing closeness of wide waters and mud flats. This is where I am at home. Here I feel peace seize my soul . Here I sink into the being of birds and water worlds and languid movements of the stream. The horizon fades into the lightest blue you can draw , then comes the clear stream with white glittering streaks and in front the mud becomes a dark purple mass that repeats in the foreground. I paint. The wet sand is brown and heavy and will soon lighten up. The mudflats all bathe in clear water strands like tiny islands and in dune-like grasses they bulge up like unruly strips of mud.
Once spring releases the fresh green you get a totally different palette. The winter darkness is still there. I walk with ear and eye and no discord clouds my mind. Everything radiates calm and sound and distance. As if on layers of air, I dart along the water's edge and sink into endless horizontality. The demarcation of thick green-stained stones slopes down into the water. This is how the water hammer is countered during storm and turmoil or high tide. Nature is tangible here after and you become part of it. On the waterway, a ship thumps smoothly by . It glides effortlessly across the water strip that now flows very narrow , reduced between 2 buoys. The seagoing ships cross each other : red and black and white , rounded and high on their feet , a car carrier and a tanker .Like angular insects , they light up red in the horizontal blue , cross each other with their own architecture and slowly disappear towards the port , or come from there .An occasional flag betrays the nationality in large letters on their hull , the country they come from or the shipowner owner for whom they sail . Even the colour of their stacked containers ; red , yellow or blue purple take on a face of their own. Their fairway looks scary and dangerous. But pilots probably guide their journey. Thus the Sunday walk fills with peculiarities of distance and sky and water where otherwise everything sinks into greenery.
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